09 September 2008


i just found out something very disturbing about myself.
in my life........
i always wondered why my team if i'm part of it, would always lose in a competition or game??
i always wondered why I can play so well during a 'for fun' game??

anyway my work place organised a bowling competition between departments. My team had already played 3 out of the 4 games that we have.
with the enthusiasm that we have about the game, my team of 5 decided that before the match, we would have our practice session.
and during that practice game, I would be playing so well by having high pin falls that i brought up hopes to my team of WINNING.
but always. ALWAYS during the actual match against the other team, i would under perform. REAL BADLY.

it happens to all 3 games that I have played.

disappointed of course. so ok. after the actual match, my team would always put our frustration aside by playing another game. AND GUESS WHAT? i would play well again. scoring high pin falls again.

and it happens to all 3 games that i have played.

so my team members have come to a conclusion that i really cant PLAY under pressure. I mean really. all this time i dont realise and in 2008 i found this out. Not being able to play under pressure???

i've heard of people of not able to withstand WORKing under pressure but PLAYing under pressure? that sucks. really. i try to hard to concentrate, focus and ignore everything that around me during a game and keep telling myself its just a normal game, but it just dont work.

the mind is a very strong thing.

anyway eye candies on tv for now.

yes yes. fiona xie must put la. cannot tahan.
hahah. i wish i have gf like either one of them.
but i very shy type. haiz.

and you guys out there, this is a reminder yourself and myself, if that girl is sooooo bloody nice to you, dont be a bloody idiot to HURT that girl in anyway (unless she's a bitch). so please, do a proper closing if you need to also ok?

i always be an sms away girl. be strong. remember what i said to you.

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