06 September 2008


i freaking totally broke and i got till the 12th to endure.
i shouldnt have bought the stupid digital photo frame from Comex IT show last month.
I wonder why Comex?

Anyways, i got to find solutions now to last till the 12th.
i guess my intention to get Nokia 5320 shall be put on hold then.

Its already into the 6th day of fasting.
23 days more i guess.

I hate the fact that there is a very strong system when it comes to taking leave just to be overpowered by superiors.
i dont think you get what i mean but let me elaborate.
basically, in my work there is 3 to 4 slots for leave each working day and when you are first in the slot, chances of you leave been cancelled would be minute if there is 2 or 3 other people taking on the same day.
so 2 months ago, I decided to have my work leave on every morning shift of the fasting month.
i remembered being first in that slot.
and guess what happen?
my supervisor suddenly decides to take leave on the day that i took leave and guess what, I have to work this coming sunday. idiot.
i really hate it when that happens.
but what to do, i'm the junior one and he's the senior one.
have to give up right?

this is all i could do.
vent my anger here on blog.

darn darn.

one day i get my voice heard.

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