21 September 2008

dad mum i love you.

planning for a geylang was not an easy feat. esp in my family.

my mum would be busy with her household chores.
my brother would either be busy with school or some other stuff.
i would be engaged in work
dad himself too would be engaged in work.

so i think dad got a day off on a saturday and decided to bring the family out to geylang for the annual hari raya spending that we would always do every ramadhan. sadly, i couldnt go as i had work last saturday night.

so i took a nap on the saturday afternoon to compasate the lack of sleep that i would have on my night shift. I was later woken up by mum telling me that they are going off for geylang.so i saw my family went off to geylang is the highest spirit ever while i stayed at home and got ready for work....

somehow when i was at work and they were at geylang, i got this gut feeling that something didnt turn out right during that outing.

i got back home on sunday morning, feeling darn tired. but i didnt had that feeling that i usually had when i got home from work. I saw mum in a glum mood. i was too tired to ask her what happen and i told her i catch up with sleep first. she didnt replied.

when i got up for buka, i saw mum and dad having this negative attraction. and true enough, when i dug the truth, i was not happy at what is happening. Really. this is what my mum told me.

at geylang, they were hunting for raya clothings for my brother and my mum but my mum is the kind of person who would walk slowly as she doesnt like to rush stuff. and my dad is the opposite. so mindset collide and my dad was angry with my mum and end up not buying anything for my mum for her slow paced walk. what made it worst is that they arent talking and mum is having a big ulcer in her mouth that takes her mood to a deep deep downfall.

i mean cam budak kecik right my dad? after 25 years of marriage, cant my dad understand my mum properly? he should right? i remember they were shouting one day 2 years ago and my mum wanted to file a divorce actually. IMAGINE. i was 22 back then and they want to divorce? what the fuck?

this always happens when my family goes out for anything, even on holidays. i been experience enough to be on my mum side to accompany her slow paced walk while my dad nag at us. but last sat, she was alone and she got the scolding all to her self. i pity her. really.

i hate it when this happens. my dad had nv been my role model to me. really. coz of this thing he always do. i only turn to him for stuff my mum cant answer.

i dont want to talk about it actually. i gave you guys the situation already. you have you own say ok? sorry if this entry seems redundant and crap. i just need an avenue to cry.

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