07 December 2008


"Great pictures comes about when you connect yourself to your object"

Pulau Ubin last Wednesday.
Impromptu meet up.
From 2 people to 3 people back 2 people and ended up with 4 people for the trip. From taking the train to taking the bike to regretting taking the bike.
Thinking that we could spent less than 10 dollars for the whole day, we end up paying more.
Rain. Shine. Rain. Shine.

The Broken Pathway

Reach For The Sky



Cover Me

The Darkside

Blue and Green



I'm First, I'm First

I need the sun

Break Time

All those cycling.
Being all sweaty, dirty, wet, hungry, tired, thirsty.
I guess its all worth it.

Where to Next?

Marina Barrage


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