01 October 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat hari raya to all of my readers here.
Maaf zahir batin.
If there is any point of time, i had hurt your feelings, said harsh words, or do/say bad things about you, please do forgive me.
Halal kan makan minum eh.

So in the festive mood of hari raya, I would like to encourage all to have pictures of the festival.
and please, DO EAT IN MODERATION. Syawal does not mean you could start eating/drinking like a pig already.
And please, those driving/riding to do the visiting, be careful on the road. Drive/ride safe. CHECK BLINDSPOTS. SIGNAL EARLY. - an adivce from the Singapore Police Force. Ha. mcm faham.

Oo...for the first time in my 24 years of life, I did NOT go GEYLANG Bazzar. I feel thats a great accomplishment. hahaha. woohoo.

ok lah.
have fun.

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