12 July 2008

otak kau

I took pictures of NDP rehearsal today. Very bad shoots i took. Really need more training on shooting people and events. Only a handful of pictures that barely made it to the OK-go clearance from me. urgh. Pictures will be up soon on Monday i hope. You be the judge by then. Of course, photo will be up in my livejournal at http://fedodedo.livejournal.com . thanks aisyahbi for pointing out that mistake.

I had convince many people that i DONT blog anymore and they did not even bother to ask why i stop. well some did and somehow i convince them again by answering, plain lazy. O wells, if you people that i trick happen to come by this blog of mine. You Been PUNKD! haha. sorry.

I do not know why i am anti social. really. I like being in the world of my own. My own time, my own problems, my own world. But then again, this human race have come to accept that being sociable is one main important thing being a person. But, what happens when you get to many people, people start to bitch. that is what i hate most.

Singfest, another 3 more Saturdays to go. woohoo.

a song for you broken heart bastards. haha.

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