10 June 2008


ok this is way way over due.

for those considering to buy a bike, let me give you a piece of advice. you need to be aggressive on the road. Not in the sence of riding, but how you maintain the respect of other road users. Giving way to faster moving vehicles, not squeezing in between when not nessessary, follow the speed limit, stay in lane, alll the good rules that you were taught at the driving sch. but as much i tired to follow these rules, some chibai taxi drivers seems to forget it and ought to be taught a lesson.

so this what happen on a good monday evening.

i was riding along Stamford Road.... heading home from Marina square. I told myself ride a steady speed, within the speed limit 50 - 60km/h. stay in lane and slowly head home when i saw this taxi coming out from Raffles City carpark. it didnt bother me much coz the taxi was travelling straight and there was an enforcement line. double white line that is, you cant cross that double white line you know when you are driivng. so as such, i continued going straight and to my surprised when my bike was diagonally behind him on his left, he changed lane crossing the double white line and best thing, didnt signal his intention. So to avoid any collison, i swerved to the left too and almost fall off my bike. i came back to his side and I GAVE THAT FUCKER ONE GOOD LONG HORN and never in my life i gave someone a fully erected MIDDLE FINGER FOR A GOOD 5 SECONDS!!! yes, and he reacted with a good tiny horn from his taxi. good. he acknowledge my middle finger.

Its like my soul left my body for awhile, went to that taxi driver, gave him a good tight slap before my soul returns back to me. hhaha. its funny how i describe it but for that moment, i know my soul left my body for awhile. hahah

from that good monday evening, tots of having my own car seem to be a reality. safer. thats all.

and to Nisa, if you are reading this, my doa is going out to both of your relatives thats in hospital. Semoga dorang dapat sembuh secepat mungkin atau pun tidak diseksa lagi di dunia. Ape ape jadi, its for their best. Alfateha. Amin.

to the rest of you, appreciate what life and God has given you, live life to the fullest.

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