29 May 2008


its a nice thursday morning and i can declare it was a nice week in terms of weather. a constant change of weather from rain to shine and back to rain has bring some happiness around singapore i guess. With the temperature reduced down by the rain, i bet alot of people wont be HOT tempered anymore. haha.

and with the rain, i have discovered a hole growing on my FAVOURITE shoe!! i was walking around town on wet grounds when i felt that my right feet was getting soggy and my left wasnt. so there it was when i took a peek of the sole of my shoes, one small hole. urgh. time to get new black shoes i guess. but i sayang the shoe i was talking abt. bought in taiwan le back in 2005. haha.

so i got white and brown shoes. time to get a new black one.

Singapore won the rights to own Pedra Branca last friday, and now Malaysia is doing this...

extract from "http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/350354/1/.html"

"Some Singaporeans said they may cut back on trips to Malaysia once the proposed ban on the sale of petrol and diesel to foreign registered vehicles within a 50-kilometre radius of Malaysia's borders takes effect."

i got to beware of what i type here, before i land up in jail.


then again, its safer for me NOT to type anything. I just leave it up to your own thoughts about it. Malaysia Boleh. Wawasan 2020.

o yah, to those who owns a vehicle or drive/ride, take note of this.

Insurers standardise motor accident claims

Actually its simple.
If there is no injuries, go to Section A.
If there is an injury to driver/rider, cyclist or pedestrian, damange to government property or it invovles a foreign vehicle OR if there was no exchange of particulars that took place, go to section B

Section A
1) Exchange particulars with the other party. (You better, if not it will be consider hit-and-run)
2) Take photograph of the scene and MMS them to GIA's Management Centre. (I think what they refering to is the place that it occur and where is the damage. Take more pics.)
3) Call your Insurance Company for further advice.

Section B
1) Do the same in Section A
2) Now go to any Police Centre/Post Within 24 hrs to file a report.

haha ok i'm kinda irritating right. But i mean, singapore its a fast changing world and i kind of surprised that many dont know the changes that is happening around them till it happens to them. Like for example, change of address.

Before 1st april, they can just come to any police centre/post to change it w/o producing any valid documents. But now, you need one. And many people will come and say, eh, how come i didnt know abt this. ITS BECAUSE YOU DONT READ THE DAMN NEWS. so pls, read your news DAILY.

i took phots yesterday actually, but somehow, I am darn lazy to put up anything for now. haha. so keep your eyes intact here ok.

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